ADCARE Hospital 18003453552
also, 1800alclohol in Worcester
Bristol Elders
508-6752101 in Fall River
BOLD 508-6738410
Child and Family in New Bedford, MA 508-996-3154
Citizen For Citizens in Fall River, MA 508-679-0041
Catholic Social Services 508-3674-4681
Corrigan Mental Health Center in Fall River 508-235-7200
Cerebral Palsy of Mass Patrick Ryan 800-924-7570
Food Stamps 1567 No Main Street, FR 18002492007 508-6466200
Family Service
101 Rock Street
Fall River Police Dept 508-676-8511
First Step Inn (a Shelter ) 508-679-8001
Health First 102 County Street, FR 508-679-9370
Health Care for All 1800-2724232
High Point 508-2247701 Plymouth, MA
High Point -New Bedford, MA 508-9940885
High Point in Fall River 508-6792109
Massachusett Substance Abuse 1800-327-5050
Mass Health Customer services 1800-841-2900
Mass Health Dental 1800-207-5019
North Cottage Program
69 East Main St, Norton, Mass a men's substance House 508-285-2701
NAMI Mass in Boston 1800-3709085 or 617-580-8541
331 Montvale Avenue 2d floor
Woburn, MA 01801
NAMI National , Arlington, VA 703-524-7600
New Bedford Community Health Center 508-984-7031
The Samaritans of Bristol County 508-673-3777/508-673-5160
7 days a week 8 AM- 11 PM also
South Bay Mental Health 508-3241060
Thomas Martin Real Estate 508-676-1301
Lonely just need someone to listen?
PEER SUPPORT LINE 1-877-733-7563
1-877-PEER-LINE ( open 7 days a week from 4 PM to 8 PM
Spanish operator available Wednesday and Sunday